DSK Bank was established in 1951 as the State Savings cash and savings, and the only people kreditiruyuschaya institution.
In 1998 gobank was transformed into a universal remote control commercial bank Stock friendship - DSK Bank JSC. In October 2003, as a result of successful privatization, OTP Bank - Hungary became the owner of 100% capital of the Bank BSC. OTP Bank - the largest bank in Hungary and the first internationally recognized financial institution in Hungary.
Banking group OTP - one of the largest and fastest growing banking groups in Central and Eastern Europe, brings together more than 80 companies specializing in various areas of financial intermediation - banks, insurance companies, pension funds, companies, fund managers and real estate, leasing companies, factoring companies. OTP Banking Group serves more than 10 million customers in 9 countries - Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia and Montenegro.
DSK Bank in Bulgaria DSK Bank - the leader on the Bulgarian market of banking services to citizens DSK Bank has the widest network of branches in Bulgaria - 12% of the total number of bank branches in the country, more than 370 offices Tee DSK Bank has the largest customer base, most of which represent individuals - about 3 million customers, 1 / 3 of which makes extensive use of products and services offered by the bank DSK Bank offers the widest range of products and services for the population DSK Bank is working with the biggest network of partners and contractors
CURRENT ACCOUNT IN THE BANK BSC DSK Bank offers its customers: STANDARD current account in BGN, EUR, USD or CONTRIBUTION with differentiated interest rates in BGN and EUR, guarantee a higher return - up to 3.30% for deposits in BGN and up to 2.50% on euro deposits For your convenience, use the DSK Direct - the ability to control their means via the Internet and Call Center, and you can absolutely FREE from home or from your office: Monitor cash flow and movement of your accounts Transferirovat funds between your accounts Pay for public services in Bulgaria Receive interest income from funds that can be translated into contributions and / or term deposit Transfer funds in Bulgaria or abroad, using universal electronic signature. If necessary, doplnitelnoy information or assistance, please contact CALL CENTER-ohm DSK Bank on tel. + 359 700 10 375, 24-hours a day from anywhere in the world
Demand deposits and TERM DEPOSITS BANK BSC If you have any spare cash If you wish to receive additional guaranteed income from percent If you want to invest your money for a certain period of time, still buy your property in Bulgaria, check out our proposals for investment and management Your money: Demand deposits in BGN, EUR, USD, CHF and GBP Opening demand deposit in the Bank BSC, you will be able to use their funds at any time and at any bank and at the same time receive an additional interest income, differentiated depending on the amount and deposit currency Term deposit with the 1, 3, 6 and 12 months Open your fixed deposit at least 100 units of currency for 1 year in BGN, Euros or U.S. dollars and you will receive a guaranteed income from percent at the end of this period. Your income will depend on the amount, term and deposit currency, and may reach 5.75% in BGN 4.90% in euros and 2.85% in U.S. dollars (these percentages are valid for deposits for 12 months and for amounts over 50 000 leva / 100,001 euros / 75,001 dollars).
FURTHER SUGGESTIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF YOUR FUNDS FROM BANK BSC DSK Bank offers you and a rich range of additional opportunities for place your free tools: TERM DEPOSITS for more than 1 year (18, 24, 36 and 60 months) When you open a deposit for a period longer than 1 year and investing not less than 1000 levov/500 evro/500 dollars you will receive a guaranteed interest, differentiated depending on the amount, currency, deposit and term (Up to 7.25% for deposits in BGN 5.20% for deposits in euro and 4.00% for deposits in U.S. dollars by investing more than 15 000 leva 7500 EUR / USD for 60 months) 6 - month time deposit named DSC PALETTE "in leva, euro and U.S. dollars when term deposits DSC palette for 6 months, every month on investment funds charged higher interest rates. The minimum amount to open this contribution - 2000 BGN / EUR / USD
FURTHER SUGGESTIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF YOUR FUNDS FROM BANK BSC IMMEDIATE DEPOSIT DSC SPECTRUM You can open the contribution of the DSC Spectrum in leva, euro and U.S. dollars minimum sum of $ 1,000 currency units for 9 -, 12 - and 15 months. The period of deposit is divided into 3,4 or 5 periods and depozirovanye funds are awarded higher interest rates for each subsequent period - up to 8,50%, on deposits in leva, 6.00% for deposits in euro and 3.50% for deposits dollar U.S. in the last period. TERM DEPOSITS BANK BSC: NO COMMISSION for opening deposit NO COMMISSION for maintenance deposit NO COMMISSION for the closure of deposit NO COMMISSION for withdrawals from the account expiry date of the deposit Investing in the amount of up to 100 000 BGN / EUR 50 000 Guaranteed Fund to guarantee deposits RBolgarii.
Will benefit the newest proposal DSK Bank DSK Bank offers specially for you: if you are 21 years and will be no more than 65 years to the date of full repayment if you have Russian citizenship if you work in Russia under an employment contract if you can prove brutny annual income of less than 20 000 euros for those working in Moscow and at least 10 000 euros for those working in other cities Rossiinashi exceptional proposals that together with the Bank BSC to implement purchase his property in Bulgaria
When you need to finance the purchase of residential Property in Bulgaria - apartments, residential buildings, representing not more than 6 separate independent main objects, or houses and / or garage, fully completed and having Konstativny act to establish life reception Construction (sample number 15) When ownership of the property is transferred to the real market value When the amount of permitted loan transferred directly to the account real estate seller.
USING THE HOUSING LOAN BANK BSC MAY USE ONLY Competitive conditions Up to 80% of real estate appraisal, determined by the Bank DSC, especially for customers who provide certificate from a credit bureau in Russia, certifying credit debt No limitation on the minimum and maksimalnogorazmera credit for adequacy proposed PC software and proven income. Choice of loan term of 5 to 25 years for customers, provide a certificate from a credit bureau in Russia 10.79% for loans in euro 12.29% for loans in BGN,
Example: When using a housing loan in the amount of 35000 evro/70 000 leva for a period of 25 years, with 10.79% in loans in euros and 12.29% for loans in BGN, razhodov annual interest on the loan, respectively 12.66% and 14.36%
HOW YOU CAN USE THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES BANK BSC: Visit the nearest office of the Bank BSC, and then there is its current account, term contribution or contribution in demand, or take advantage of DSK Direct. We always ready to help and guide you to the banking specialist, vladeyuschyumu Russian language! In your serviced offices you will be directed to the closest and most convenient to you branch DSK Bank, where you can get detailed information on housing loan for Russian citizens. If you need assistance in obtaining more information You can contact the Call Center by calling 0700 10 375 359 700 10 or 375, if You are calling from abroad
DSK Bank offers the Wide range of banking products and services OUR Experts will offer you the most suitable solution to meet your The interests and needs, if necessary for additional information on predlaganym DSK Bank products and services, please contact:
Thank you for your attention!